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Congratulations to the Noahide community of Kyoto, Japan.


On the 18th of June for the first time in Japan, a wedding was celebrated according to Jewish law for the Bnei Noah community. When the groom gave a ring to the bride saying "Behold, you are betrothed unto me according to the Laws of Moses as they relate to B’nai Noach, the Children of Noah ... I pledge to lead my life according to the Torah of Moses as it relates to B’nai Noach"

The Rebbe of Lubavitch King Messiah, declares: Promulgating God's unity among the nations of the world is preparing the world for the coming of the Messiah.

When Ben-Noach came to get married, they approached the rabbi and checked the Torah of Moses, "How should we get married?" In our holy Torah there is a source and an answer to Noah's sons, teaching us how to lead their lives, even to the smallest details, with the awareness that G-d is watching and animating us at every moment.

The Jewish community and the many visiting tourists who were present at the even shed tears of excitement and repeatedly were heard saying: "Such an event, it really is the days of the Messiah!" The most exciting moment was the declaration of the bride and groom together under the canopy about the observance and observance of the 7 mitzvot of the sons of Noah, in Japanese.



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